Frequently Asked Questions
Order fulfillment requests are not going to the desired location:
- Check the location has shipping rates defined for the order's destination.
- Check that another location hasn't been given shipping order routing priority.
- Check the location has product inventory allocated for all products being ordered.
More detail about setting up your location fulfillments in Shopify.
SKU matching:
The Shopify app expects products contained in the fulfillment order to have matching products for the client partner in Consignly, matching Shopify SKUs with Consignly product codes. This match can be case insensitive, but otherwise must be an exact match e.g. widget001
can be matched with WIDGET001
Inventory management:
Inventory management functionality is coming soon.
Shipping Notifications
Automatic shipping notifications are not being sent to the customer:
This is usually caused by the transport company name used in Consignly not being an exact match against any of the Shopify supported tracking companies. Changing the company name in Consignly to match the name used by Shopify should resolve the issue.
Stuck with an in progress
fulfillment status:
Check with your 3PL partner that they accepted the consignment import created in Consignly for the order.
At this time it's not possible to tell if a consignment import is still waiting to be accepted in Consignly, or if it has been removed. This gap will be addressed in the near future by Consignly.
For consignment imports that have been rejected you will need to manually revert the order to unfulfilled.
To avoid stalled orders when your 3PL partner rejects orders they should either:
- Accept the consignment import, then immediately void the consignment. This will allow the app to detect the rejection and automatically update the order in Shopify.
- Contact you directly so you can manually revert the order to unfulfilled in Shopify.