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Frequently Asked Questions


Sharing sensitive CargoWise eAdaptor credentials:

Some 3PL partners can be reluctant to share the credentials required to connect to CargoWise using its eAdaptor Inbound Service due to a lack of security granularity around what can be accessed or updated using these credentials.

In such circumstances a 3PL partner staff member can be added as a user to the Shopify store, being granted permissions only to access the Complect Fulfill for CargoWise app. This user can then add the connection to CargoWise for you, providing the sensitive credentials the connection requires. Once this task has been completed, user access can be revoked from the Shopify store.

Connection passwords are stored encrypted by the app and are never accessible through the app interface.


Order fulfillment requests are not going to the desired location:

  • Check the location has shipping rates defined for the order's destination.
  • Check that another location hasn't been given shipping order routing priority.
  • Check the location has product inventory allocated for all products being ordered.

More detail about setting up your location fulfillments in Shopify.


SKU matching:

The Shopify app expects products contained in the fulfillment order to have matching products for the organization in CargoWise, matching Shopify SKUs with CargoWise product codes. This match can be case insensitive, but otherwise must be an exact match e.g. widget001 can be matched with WIDGET001.

Shopify fulfillment orders that contain products with missing SKUs or SKUs that can't be matched are rejected with a message detailing the problem. Once any issues have been resolved on either the CargoWise or Shopify side, the order fulfillment request can be resent from Shopify.

Inventory management:

Inventory stock quantities are currently unavailable through CargoWise's eAdaptor Inbound Service, which prevents the app from providing inventory management functionality until this gap is addressed.

Shipping Notifications

Automatic shipping notifications are not being sent to the customer:

This is usually caused by the transport company name used in CargoWise not being an exact match against any of the Shopify supported tracking companies. Changing the company name in CargoWise to match the name used by Shopify should resolve the issue.

CargoWise Warehouse Orders

Your 3PL partner requires additional fields setting on the imported warehouse orders:

Any additional details your 3PL partner needs should be set within CargoWise using Workflow Templates for the Warehouse Order / Release (WOU) type. Contact us if your 3PL partner requires assistance or they have requirements that can't be handled in this way.