📄️ Overview
The eAdaptor Relay middleware service for CargoWise removes limitations and adds versatility when integrating with the CargoWise eAdaptor Outbound Service.
📄️ XUS and XUE Messages
The CargoWise eAdaptor Outbound Service can send XML Universal Shipment (XUS) and Event (XUE) messages, depending on the Workflow Templates defined.
📄️ Forward
CargoWise eAdaptor Outbound messages can be forwarded to one or more destinations:
📄️ Filter
Filtering rules can be defined for forwarding messages using specific XML values and attributes within the message received.
📄️ Transform
The XML messages received from the CargoWise eAdaptor Outbound Service may not be suitable for the destination they are being forwarded to. The eAdaptor Relay Service can be used to: